What is wired Anding why it is not possible with totem pole output? What is totem pole driver?Ī totem pole driver or output stage is a loose term used to mean that the output is driven actively in both the high and low directions. Multiple open collector outputs may be tied together to operate in a wire-OR arrangement, where any output may pull the output low.

Open collector will only pull the output low it does not drive the output high, only releases the output to float. Totem Pole output drives the output high and low. What is the difference between a totem-pole and an open collector output? Logic operation is the same as the open collector output. Totem Pole Output Totem Pole means the addition of an active pull up the circuit in the output of the Gate which results in a reduction of propagation delay.

The two transistors used drives a high output and another pulls it down in an Integrated circuit. Totem pole consists of pull up and pull down transistors along with the diode resistor. The Totem-Pole is formed by transistors Q1 and Q2. A type of output structure used with integrated circuits in which one transistor drives the output high while another transistor connected below it pulls the output low.